Feeding your herd more sustainably
Feeding our Planet range With rising protein costs and concerns from processors about the environmental impact of protein sources, a focus on protein efficiency is becoming increasingly important For many dairy farms, feeding TMR gives the flexibility to vary...
Straights Update 27th April 2022
Market Overview London Wheat May Futures closed at another record high on Tuesday, closing at £332/tonne for May. With no end in sight to the Russia-Ukraine war, the possibility of a global wheat shortage becomes a growing concern. The two countries account for 28.3%...
Straights Update 14th April 2022
Market Overview Both old and new crop UK wheat futures closed at new contract highs again this week with May-22 futures closing at £322/tonne and Nov-22 futures closing at £293/tonne yesterday. The UK wheat market is still feeling the impact of the war in Ukraine,...
Straights Update 7th April 2022
Market Overview On Tuesday the USDA released their first crop progress report for 2022. Unfortunately crop conditions were disappointing as the report fell below the lowest trade estimates. Only 30% of US winter wheat was rated in Good - Excellent condition....
Straights Update 1st April 2022
Market Overview Over the past few weeks the global markets have been adjusting to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Global prices for all commodities have risen sharply over the month of March, with several raw materials reaching record high prices as...
Straights Update 3rd March 2022
Market Overview Markets have been consumed by one factor over the past seven days. Russia's invasion of Ukraine sent the markets into chaos when the invasion was on a far greater scale than many had anticipated. Global grain and oilseed prices have since soared...