Market Overview Markets have been consumed by one factor over the past seven days. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent the markets into chaos when the invasion was on a far greater scale than many had anticipated. Global grain and oilseed prices have since...
Wheat/Barley The crisis between Ukraine and Russia, two of the worlds biggest wheat and maize producers, has caused constant volatility for the commodities. Anything from a political statement to a rumour has influenced the global market prices. Any disruption to...
In this months World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report by USDA, there were, on the face of it, very few significant or surprising changes. Wheat/Barley Overall there were little changes made to global wheat supply and demand estimates. US stocks...
Wheat/Barley After seeing global wheat prices rising for most of last week, we have begun to see prices ease over the past couple days. Reduced fears over the tensions in the Black Sea have offered some relief in the market, however we are likely to see some big...
Getting the most from Spring grazing Do you ever feel like whatever you do, it doesn’t quite get you to where you want to be? This winter has been a good example. While forage was abundant it not only hasn’t analysed particularly well but it hasn’t fed well either....
Wheat/Barley Continued concerns over tensions between Russia and Ukraine have pushed up global wheat prices this week. Potential conflict between the two nations is a cause for concern as both are major exporters of wheat. Ukraine, which is often regarded as the...