Getting calves off to a good start is helping a Cornish family business bring their replacements in at two years old or even younger.


Paul and Lynn James manage the 550 acre all grass Goenrousen Farm near Summercourt outside Newquay.  They run a herd of 400 British Friesians averaging 7,500 litres at 4.75% fat and 3.7% protein with milk sold to Rodda’s creamery.  The herd calves all year round and is milked through a 18:36 rapid exit parlour.  The herd is summer grazed via paddocks, housed in a cubicle shed, and a partial winter ration topped up with cake in the parlour

 All heifer replacements which are produced using sexed semen are reared on farm with the objective of calving at 24 months old or younger. 

 Paul’s attention to detail has been highlighted in his farm practices and calf-rearing enterprise. Paul believes in following the well trialled and tested rules, hygiene is a high priority with a clean calving pen and equipment for all calves

Colostrum, the liquid gold

Excellent management of cow’s colostrum ensures that every calf receives 10% of their body weight of colostrum within the first four hours of life, containing the mother’s , and providing protection against disease challenges on the farm. Cows prior to calving are in top condition and fed the necessary nutrients to provide enough protein, energy, vitamins and minerals allowing the cow to calve, and produce high quality colostrum.

 Top management of colostrum is achieved by following the 5Qs of colostrum: 

  1. Quantity
  2. Quality
  3. Quickly
  4. sQueaky clean
  5. Quietly

 The calves are fed mothers milk for three days, before moving onto the calf rearing unit where they’re introduced to Harpers Calfpride Glow + Bio-Mos, a whey-based milk-powder through a Forster Technik automated calf feeder.  This allows the James’s to feed calves to achieve the desired daily live weight gains with minimal problems resulting in healthy calves.  Health is aided by the incorporation of Bio-mos into the milk powder. Bio-mos is a sticky yeast which is ingested by the calf, attracting any low-level pathogens which are then excreted by the calf.


The ease of this system, alongside the choice of a quality milk powder, with a feeding rate of 900g/calf/day with a mixing rate of 150g/litre of water at 6 litres/calf, allows calves to achieve high intakes on milk replacer and achieve daily liveweight gains of up to 1kg/day.  At the same time, the labour required for feeding calves is reduced, allowing more time for observation and monitoring of progress. Fed alongside an 18% calf protein pellet and adlib clean straw, with continuous access to a clean supply of drinking water

Paul is confident that Calfpride Glow + Bio-Mos helps his calves perform and get off to a good start, essential if they are to meet the target of two year calving. 

For more information on Calfpride Glow + Bio-Mos, contact your local Feed Specialist